Chemical Peel Prep

What to Expect

Treatment time. Each peel procedure takes around 20 minutes depending on the type of peel and the number of layers applied.

Sensations during treatment. During the procedure, a mild tingling, itching, or heating sensation may be temporarily experienced. This will go away after the peel is neutralized. Your clinician will communicate with you throughout the procedure to monitor your comfort levels.

Choose the right peel. Your clinician will help you choose the appropriate for your skin type, age, color, and skin concerns.

Don’t exfoliate. Since a chemical peel is a form of exfoliation, it’s important that you avoid exfoliating for at least one week or more before your appointment. This includes ingredients in skincare products that may have an exfoliating effect. If you use these products before your appointment, you could unknowingly cause some damage to your skin.

Stop using anti-aging or anti-acne medications. These types of products may impact how your skin tolerates the peel.

Stay hydrated. Your skin should be well-hydrated on the day of your treatment. Stop using any products that could be drying out your skin at least one week before your appointment and drink plenty of water.

Don’t get a chemical peel right before an important event. There is a certain amount of recovery time that will be needed immediately following a chemical peel. Plan accordingly if you’ve got a big event happening in the next couple of weeks, and wait until after the event to get a peel. We do offer a “party peel” that is appropriate for still going out that evening, but you may experience dryness or peeling during the days following.